
Housing Authority

Homes are the Heart of Montgomery County

Building Futures, Building Community: Addressing Housing Affordability in Montgomery County for a Vibrant, Inclusive, and Equitable Tomorrow.

A Strategic Plan for Montgomery County

Homes For All is the result of ongoing collaboration among county government, municipalities, local residents, advocates, and developers. Homes For All identifies, evaluates, and recommends public, private, and social sector strategies to ensure that everyone who lives, works, learns, and invests in Montgomery County has an equal opportunity to live in an affordable home and a thriving community.


We advocate for a wider variety of high-quality, affordable homes


We work together towards the common goal of housing affordability


We provide data, resources, and factual information to local stakeholders

The housing and affordability crisis impacts us all

As the cost of housing continues to increase at a rapid rate, people at all stages of life in the county—community workers, aging family members, college graduates and young professionals—find it nearly impossible to purchase, maintain and stay in homes that support their families and their futures. Housing costs are rising faster than wages, and if we take action that allows people to live closer to their jobs, there will be benefits for all of us: stronger family units, more involved community members, a robust local economy, and even less traffic. 

Homes are at the heart of our communities, and if we do not collectively address the housing affordability crisis, everyone’s investment in life in Montgomery County will be impacted. All parties involved—county and local government, residents and neighbors, housing developers and professionals, businesses, and community advocates—must commit to the individual things we can do to make sure our county continues to be not only an amazing place to live, but also an equitable housing role model for the rest of the state and the country.

habitat dedication 2022

A Testament to Accessibility

Heidi in kitchen

Finding Home